
Life With Marlene

Promoting the celebrity status of my mother, Marlene

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Crayfish Update

I just got off the phone with my mother. She called to update me regarding the crayfish. Coincidently, my father just stopped by to pick up library books. When he heard it was my mother on the phone, he shook his head and said he just left there because they were looking for another crayfish.

The phone conversation went like this:

Marlene: Patrick and I went through the garbage to take out the crayfish to show your father because he doesn't believe me. And guess what?

Me: What?

Marlene: The crawfish was gone! It escaped.

Me: (incredulous) You told me Patrick squished its guts out.

Marlene: He did.

Me: Then how did it get out of the garbage if its guts were squished out?

Marlene: (annoyed) It just did, okay? (Pause. Angry.) And no one believes me about my theory that the crayfish came out of the thing in the backyard and got in the basement.

Me: I posted it on the Internet. People will believe it.

Marlene: And I freezed my ass off at your brother's football game. (Sadly) It was a strange, strange day.

posted by Mark  # 10/19/2005 06:56:00 PM


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