
Life With Marlene

Promoting the celebrity status of my mother, Marlene

Saturday, July 02, 2005

We Go Back A Long Way...

Some people think my blog is cruel--how can a daughter do such a thing to her mother? After all, your mother brought you into this world, they tell me. Then they go on to ask, what if your son started a blog about you?

Quite frankly, I would be impressed if Charlie started a blog about me. After all, he is only 3 months old.

My "cruelty" towards my mom dates back to a long time ago. About the time I was learning to read--I was about 6 years old--my mom took me to the now-defunct Sibley's department store. Department stores were neat back in those days; there was a lunch counter, a toy section and a candy department. If I was good on our outings to the mall, my mother would let me choose lollipops from the candy department because they were 12 for $1.

I loved choosing the department store lollypops. Now that I was finally able to read, I didn't have to rely on the color of the lollypop to determine it's flavor. With care, I chose my 12 pops according to the signs: blueberry, strawberry, grape, and so on. But there was one flavor I had never heard of.

My mother rushed me along in my selections and then to the elevator. As we stepped into the crowd, I turned to her and asked loudly, "Mommy, what's an 'anus' flavor lollypop?"

My mother turned beet-red. The other elevator passengers stared. "What are you talking about?", she asked me, nervously.

"The lollypop flavors...one said 'anus' flavor. What does 'anus' taste like?"

"Oh," she said, "It's ANISE flavor. ANISE." She said this loud enough so no one had a doubt in his/her mind what was really going on.

"Okay," I told her, "What does anise taste like?"

posted by Mark  # 7/02/2005 10:32:00 AM


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