
Life With Marlene

Promoting the celebrity status of my mother, Marlene

Friday, July 08, 2005

Bored on the Fourth of July

Mark and I packed up Charlie and went to Marlene's for the Fourth of July. While we were eating, I mentioned to my sister, Katie, that one of her friends called (I still answer the phone at my mom's house when I'm there). Katie rolled her eyes and said that this friend probably wanted to go to the fireworks with her. She also mentioned that the girl is living with someone from Puerto Rico.

Marlene: Illegal or legal?

Me: Illegal or legal what?

Marlene: Is the boyfriend an illegal or legal Puerto Rican?

Me: Mom, Puerto Ricans are not illegal. Puerto Rico is a commonwealth...

Marlene: Hey! I got nothin' against Puerto Ricans. They are good people. They got cultures--

Mark: And that somehow makes them illegal?

Me (to Mark): Do you want to deal with this?

Mark (solemnly): I don't EVEN know where to begin...

posted by Mark  # 7/08/2005 11:26:00 AM


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