
Life With Marlene

Promoting the celebrity status of my mother, Marlene

Saturday, January 03, 2004

2003-07-30 - 3:41 p.m.

Senior Day--a continuation of the Salvation Army entry (a Marlene joint)

I forgot to add in my last entry about Senior day.

Wednesday is Senior Day at the Salvation Army. There were a lot of old ladies there.

As I went up to pay, I realized the true magnitude of having a Senior Day. Mom was behind me with her cart, which included the sugar serving set and cow salt and pepper shaker. The cashier looked at her and said, "Oh, would you like the Senior Discount?"

I thought Mom was going to wring the cashier's skinny tatooed neck.

"No," my Mom said in her fake-nice voice. "I'm too young for the Senior Discount."

Trying to calm the situation, I jumped into the conversation. "I would like the Senior Discount," I said quickly, "I just happen to look really good for 55."

The clerk did not give me the discount.

"You know, you really make me feel good," Mom said to the clerk.

I decided at this point to peruse the religious literature in the rack at the door.

"She ruined my day," my mom said as we left the store. "I can't believe she thought I was 55. What's her problem?"

We were quiet for a moment as we got into the car.

"You know, I woulda saved $2.00 with the discount," Mom said.

posted by Mark  # 1/03/2004 06:59:00 PM
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